Season finale of lost girl season 3
Season finale of lost girl season 3

season finale of lost girl season 3

I thought this whole storyline with the underwater station was well done. Something about her makeup or some digital effect – did anyone else notice it? Maybe it was just the odd lighting and the fact that she was wearing makeup, hiding her freckles. He would have no friends/family on the “outside”, Kate would really be puzzled as to why Jack would think she’d want to go to his funeral, and Jack would feel guilty for having pulled him away from the island and causing his cancer to come back – on top of whatever else happened after they made contact with the ship.īy the way, both my wife and I felt there was something odd about Kate in that last scene. Now I’m thinking that the most likely option is Ben dying of cancer. I think Kate is talking about Sawyer here and that he’s alive and well and living with Kate.


Plus Kate does mention to Jack that she should go because “he’ll be wondering where I am”. Though why Sawyer’s death would upset Jack so much (to the point of him considering suicide) is beyond me. Being an orphan and a drifting con-man, I can’t see him as having very many friends/family. One outside possibility is James (Sawyer) dying in some way. Plus, I simply don’t want Locke to be dead. After all they’ve been through, I think Jack would still consider himself a friend of John Locke’s. Also, when the funeral director asks if Jack was friend or family of the deceased he says “Neither”. However, I have a hard time believing he would willingly leave the island. He’s someone that would not have any friends/family to come to his funeral. My first guess was that it was John Locke committing suicide (presumably his legs would not work once he left the island).

season finale of lost girl season 3

I thought it had to be a survivor of Flight 815, which would be one reason it would be on the front page of the newspaper instead of the obituaries. Obviously by the end, we learned it was a notice of somebody’s death. Yay! Sun didn’t die! What did Jack read in the newspaper? This would line up with Desmond’s vision of Claire & Aaron getting onto a rescue helicopter too. So at the very least, Jack and Kate made it off the island, but I’m going to go ahead and guess that everyone who wanted to get off the island did – and maybe some who didn’t want to leave (see below). No wonder Carlton and Damon were so excited about where the story was going. After establishing flashbacks as a literary device for three solid seasons, I bet there were very few people expecting that move on the writers part (especially considering it means the survivors left the island while we still have 3 more seasons to go). I think it was a brilliant move to make Jack’s flashbacks actually flash forwards.

Season finale of lost girl season 3